Enter your Airtime database settings here. Empty or non-existent databases will be created and populated if the given user has administrative permissions in postgres.
This may take up to 30 seconds to complete!
RabbitMQ is an AMQP-based messaging system used by Libretime. You should only edit these settings if you have changed the defaults since running the installer, or if you've opted to install RabbitMQ manually.
In either case, we recommend that you change at least the default password provided - you can do this by running the following line from the command line: sudo rabbitmqctl change_password <username> <newpassword>
sudo rabbitmqctl change_password <username> <newpassword>
These values are automatically pulled from your webserver settings, under most circumstances you will not need to change them.
Here you can set the default media storage directory for Airtime. If left blank, we'll create a new directory located at /srv/airtime/stor/ for you.
Looks like you're almost done! As a final step, please run the following commands from the terminal:
sudo service airtime-playout start sudo service airtime-liquidsoap start sudo service airtime_analyzer start sudo service airtime-celery start
Click "Done!" to bring up the Airtime configuration checklist; if your configuration is all green, you're ready to get started with your personal Airtime station!
If you need to re-run the web installer, just remove /etc/airtime/airtime.conf.